The battle to save beautiful Penghu 915 Anti-gambling international press conference

Millions won't make Penghu more beautiful but sacrifice it to a CASINO landslide!
◎ Time: 10:00-10:30am Tuesday 15 September 2009
◎ Place: Friends of NTU Club 3B meeting room 3rd floor No. 2-1 Sec. 1 Jinan Road, Taipei City臺北市濟南路一段2-1號3樓 ◎Organiser: Anti-gambling Legalisation Alliance (反賭博合法化聯盟)
◎ Host: Ven. Chao Hwei (釋昭慧) Convenor of the Anti-gambling Legalisation Alliance (反賭博合法化聯盟召集人)
◎ MC: (Chinese) Ho Tsung-hsun (何宗勳)
          Executive Director, Citizens Congress Watch (公民監督國會聯盟執行長)
          (English) David Reid
◎ Special guest:1. Dr Timothy A. Kelly Executive Director, US National Gambling Impact Study Commission
                       2. Representatives of about ten Taiwanese NGOs
◎ Content: 1. Dr.Kelly: Analysis of recent development in Western tourist casinos based on the US National Gambling Impact Study Commission's report
                 2. Reporter's questions Dr Timothy A. Kelly,  
  Executive Director of the US National Gambling Impact Study Commission, has been invited to talk about recent developments in Western tourist casinos Includes petition from overseas anti-gambling organisations and more than ten NGOs requesting the new government to take a careful look at the referendum on gambling in Penghu. Don't let Ma Ying-jeou become the first "gambling president" in Taiwan's history.
• In the USA local government officials, mayors and even state governors (Illinois and Louisiana) have received bribes from the gambling industry creating a huge problem.
• Before the Legislature votes on the legalisation of gambling they must allocate funds for a comprehensive and objective cost-benefit analysis.
• After casinos start operating local tax revenues decline and some local businesses fail.
• The quality of jobs provided by casinos is on average not great. Professional and objective analysis of gambling tourism at the 915 anti-gambling press conference will make it clear to the whole nation. The Anti-gambling Alliance will tell everyone the facts the government doesn't want people to know about gambling. The incompetent government can't use beautiful Penghu and our children's future like a rat in a laboratory experiment.
Translator: David Reid
Contact person: Chou Chen-shan (周瑾珊) Anti-gambling Alliance
Tel: 8780 0838
Mobile: 0928-551-887

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